Pramesh S Jain
The immigration officials at the Bengaluru International airport on Saturday caught as 32-year-old man from Punjab tried to board flight to London with fake UK visa .
The accused Pradeep Singh,a private firm employee from Jalandhar,submitted the travel documents for verification before boarding the flight .
The immigration officials upon verification of the UK visa suspecting something amiss and mailed the details to UK boarder force career ((UKBFCSH) and British high commission for confirmation.
The report received from these two agencies confirmed that there was no Visa issued to Pradeep Singh nor he had submitted any documents .
Probe revealed that Pradeep Singh had approached a local tout in Jalandhar identified as Pappu to get the work visa.
Pappu reportedly forged the documents and inserted the fake visa in the Passport after receiving the money.
The Airport police based on the complaint filed by Vijayentha Singh,immigration officer,registered a case against Pradeep Singh charging him under forgery for further investigation.