Binish Thomas (Sub-Editor)
The CM brings curtains down to the joint drama of BJP+JDS before people of the state with incomplete documents, without any official documents.
*These are allegations of BJP & JDS.I am also releasing documents for this.
*The CM outraged over Opposition parties breaking families by dirty politics.
1.Mr. BM Mallikarjun purchased land from one of the heir sons of Mr.Ninga Bin Jawara.Doesn’t PTCL act apply to this purchase?.
Response:On 2-8-1935,Jawar’s son Ninga applied to the Mysore Taluk Office for allotment of land.The then lower level officials submitted a report on 15-8-1935 that the lands requested by Ninga should be disposed of by auction.
According to that,steps have been taken to conduct the auction.The auction notice was issued on 26-9-1935. The notice stated that the auction would be held on 3-10-1935.Auction was conducted accordingly.This is recorded after conducting the auction.”3 acre 16 gunta land in survey number 464 of of Kesare village which is valued at 3 rupees 8 annas was auctioned.
During the auction Ninga bin Jawara, quoted Rs.1 for the land on which the auction was concluded without any challenge,” it was recorded. On 13-10-1935, it is mentioned that “Sale is confirmed”.
Since the lands are acquired through auction, they become self acquired property and the government does not have any interest in these lands.So these lands do not come under PTCL Act.The Act is clear about this. There are also countless judgments in this regard.
2.Did they take permission from Govt to make purchase?
Anyone with knowledge of law knows that since PTCL is not land,no government permission is required. But BJP and JDS are using it only for politics.
3.BJP has raised the question,Why were the heirs excluded from the purchase of these lands?Is this action legal?.
•A family tree was made on 10-4-1993.According to it, Ninga Bin Jawa has three children.First is Mallaiah, second is Mylariah and third is J.Devaraju According to the family tree,Mallaiah has no heirs.Second son Mailaraiah has a son,Manjunath Swamy M.It is mentioned that he was 29 years old then.3rd one is called Devaraj. [This Devaraju sold the land to Mallikarjunaswamy].This family tree is signed by Mallaiah, Devaraju, Mailaraiah’s wife Puttagouramma, M Manjunathaswamy.
•All the above have signed and given declaration to make khata of the said land in the name of J Devaraju.
•Both Malliah and Puttagouramma have signed in Kannada.Signed in English by M.Manjunathaswamy. Based on this,these lands were transferred in the name of J. Devaraju.
•Therefore,BJP said that the purchase was done without the consent of the heirs.Their allegation is false.All these transactions took place before 2010. These are not related to me.However,these issues need to be raised as BJP is using this petty matter for politics.
4.How many areas have been developed by Muda where the land acquisition process has been completed?Government approval was sought for such de-notification proposals?.
Response:Prior to that in the petition/complaint given by BJP to the Hon’ble Governor in para no.6,false information was given by stating that there was no proposal from MUDA for de-notification of the said lands,the petitioner had not given the application, although he had given false information that de-notification had taken place.
Facts found on examining the records:
• The BJP has given completely wrong information in the complaint to the Hon’ble Governor.
• Preliminary notification was issued on 18-09-1992 to acquire the said lands.However,it does not appear to be settled for many years.Then, J.Devaraju,Road No.3406, 4th Main Road,Lashkar Mohalla Urdu Nagar,Mysore Road,wrote an application on 13-08-1996 to release his lands from land acquisition.
•The final notification of these lands was made on 20-08-1997.This application was written before that.On the application,the then Urban Development Minister Mr.BN.Bachegowda who reviewed the petition wrote a note to the Secretary.Based on this note,a letter was sent to MUDA.
• On 24-07-1997 in Muda passed a resolution to exclude this land from land acquisition.On 30-08-1997 the Commissioner of Muda recommended to the Secretary to Government to release the said lands from land acquisition.
•A committee headed by the then Revenue Secretary V. Balasubranian reviewed and de-notified the land along with 18 other such cases across the State.
• In Mysore Urban Development Authority since 1984, a total of 235-30 acres of land in 13 barangays has been relinquished from land acquisition.
• Here is a question of common sense. Devaraju applied on 13-8-1996.The Urban Development Department wrote a letter to the Muda Commissioner on 3-9-1996 asking for a report.Accordingly, on 30-8-1997,Muda has given a report to the Government. It took a year just to report.
After that,under the chairmanship of a tough officer named V.Balasubramanian,including these lands, they have decided to give up land acquisition in about 19 parts of the state.
Finally on 18-5-1998 he gave up possession of the land. Now I want to ask you.If there is a Chief Minister, Deputy Chief Minister or Minister,MLA if it takes two years to complete this process?
5.Can de-notification be done when the land is completely acquired by the government?
6.Can such developed or partially developed land be sold? Who owned the land when it was de-notified?
1.There are many judgments and also the action of Govt.that the process of land acquisition is not complete unless any land is acquired and land compensation is paid and full possession of that land is taken. However,these lands were excluded on 18-05-1998.
2.In Mysore Urban Development Authority since 1984, 235-30 acres of land in total 13 layouts have been relinquished from land acquisition.
3.So when lands are excluded from acquisition it is seen that Muda has not take possession of these lands.
4.So this question raised by BJP is also an incoherent question.
7.How was the 50:50 scheme implemented without government permission?.
•The land was already converted on 17-7-2005 by the time we took possession of it.By the time these lands came to our family, they were devolved on Date: 15-7-2005.Land has been converted from agricultural purpose to residential purpose.
•Application dated: 23-6-2014 and 25-10-2021 for alternative land in lieu of land compensation.
•Muda has used my wife’s land without asking and hence they were asked to give alternative land.Muda has given.
•In cases where the land is used without acquiring the land, in lieu of the land so used per cent.MUDA had decided on 14-9-2020 to give space in the ratio of 50:50.This decision was canceled by the government.
•On 7-12-2020,they discussed again and made another decision and finally they decided that henceforth,in cases where the authority has used the land without acquiring it, 50% of the total developed area can be given as compensation in the form of land. compensation in agreeable cases.
•On top of all this my wife submitted application again on 23-10-2021.In it,”No compensation has been given so far regarding the use of my land by the authorities.
Therefore, as compensation to me for the above land, the present per cent.They have asked to give in the ratio of 50:50.The Mysore Urban Development Authority checked all this and wrote a letter of relinquishment from my wife and transferred the rights of 3-16 gunte lands to the name of the authority on 30-12-2021 in Kesare village .
The Commissioner has issued an official order from the Mysore Urban Development Authority regarding the allotment of 3-16 acres of land of survey no.464 and allotted plots measuring 38,284 square feet as compensation.
•In this,being a law student and who has been in politics for 40 years, do not see anything wrong.I am also placing the documents related to this before the people of this state through the media.
•To examine all these issues,an inquiry commission was constituted under the chairmanship of Justice PN. Desai.The Commission has started an inquiry into the matter.
•BJP,and JDS are trying to tarnish my image in Muda issue and Valmiki Corporation scandal.