Yogesh K Porwar & Siddarath Sethia
Residents of Taverekere village caught a man selling candies accusing him of child lifter and handed him over to the police in the outskirt of city on Saturday.
The suspect identified as Gajendra,aged around 50 years was selling candies was caught by villagers after a four-year-old child residing near government school in Taverekere began to scream .
The villagers accusing him of abducting the child caught Gajendra thrashed before alerting the control room.
The Hoysala patrolling team rushed to the spot and detained Gajendra before he was handed over to Jurisdictional Nandagudi police for further investigations.
The police questioned Gajendra and found that he was from Uttar Pradesh and selling “Bombay MIthai“candy in the village .
Police said that it was a mistaken identity and the problem aggravated since he failed to communicate properly,a senior officer, said.
The police are further investigating for ascertain his background for further confirmation.