Three minor boys died after drowning in pond amid huge rock at a hill near Achchalu village in Ramanagar

Yogesh K Porwar & Sunil Lohan 


n a tragic incident,three boys among a group of eight died after drowning in pond amid a huge rock at a hill near Achchalu village in the outskirts of Ramanagar on Friday afternoon.

The deceased identified as Shabaz Khan,13,Rihan Khan, 16 sons of Sardar Khan and Syed Shahid,14,son of Mubeen.

The trio resident of Phoolbagh Mohalla (flower garden) and neighbours .

They had gone to attend Friday prayers and went along with five others at the pond for a stroll situated at around one and half Kms away from their homes .

Senior officer told reporters the incident occurred at around 3 pm and climbed the hill top and found the pond filled with water during recent rains.

The area was slippery and the boys according to the police decided to swim without realizing the depth.

While the others were about to stop them,the trio removed the clothes and jumped.The area was slope and the trio soon started drowning.

The others shouted for help and ran towards the main road to get help from a tea stall.By the time,help came the trio had drowned.

Based on the information,the police along with fire and emergency services rushed to the spot and pulled out the bodies using iron hooks attached to rope.

The police have registered a case of un natural death case and handed over the bodies to their families after post-mortem.Police are also questioning the other boys to rule out any foul play.

Shahid was studying 6th standard,Shabaz in 8th standard.Rihan was promoted to 10th standard at Ijoor, the senior officer said .