What have those speaking about social justice done for oppressed Communities,Basavaraj Bommai questions

Yogesh K Porwar & Sunil Lohan 

G overnment must release funds for Brahmashree Narayan Guru Development Corporation:MP Basavaraj Bommai

Gadag:”While I was in power,I did not just talk about social justice but worked honestly to provide it.Some have been speaking about social justice for forty years. What kind of social justice did they deliver when they were in power?”questioned former Chief Minister and MP Basavaraj Bommai.

He was speaking at the 170th birth anniversary celebration of Brahmashree Narayan Guru,organized by the Arya Ediga Sangha in Parasapur village,Shirahatti Taluk,Gadag District.

The event also included a ceremony honoring talented students and the new office bearers of the organization.

“When I was in power,I provided grants to mathas (monastic institutions), recognizing them not just as religious centers but as institutions that provide education, health, and self-reliance.

Mathas are centers of faith,and we assisted them to show the right path.When the business of manufacturing arrack (a traditional liquor) stopped,the youth of the Ediga community lost their livelihood.

The then-government did not work on creating alternative jobs for them, nor did they focus on educating them to secure employment.

However,the youth of the Ediga community are resilient and have progressed through self-employment. Understanding the plight of this community,I established a corporation,and now,funds must be allocated for it. The Chief Minister has promised to release the funds, and I urge the government to expedite this,he said.

Bommai said God is divine,and remembering Narayan Guru in the sanctum of Sharan Basappa is a symbol of social justice.Today,those who possess knowledge rule the world.You must gain knowledge and live a life of self-respect.He was forever indebted to your trust.

In the past,people from lower communities were not allowed in any village.Narayan Guru fought against this, brought about social transformation,and left behind great ideals. None of us can forget this.

If our country has such a rich heritage,it is because of leaders like Narayan Guru. His influence was not just limited to Karnataka but extended to Kerala and Tamil Nadu as well.

During that time,fighting for equality was not easy.Social reformers risked their lives to fight for equality.Even in the 21st century,they still hear about inequality in some places.While they have progressed economically and socially, unless they uphold the values of humanity,life cannot be considered meaningful,”the MP said.

A divine human

“Birth is accidental,and we have no control over it.Death is also beyond our control, yet we worry a lot about it. Life, however,is in our hands, but we do not give it the attention it deserves.

We must develop human qualities to live with love, trust, happiness, and equality.We are all born as humans, but many people live their lives and die just as humans.Only a few are born as humans and evolve into true human beings by giving up desires,anger,pride,and envy,and walking the path of non-violence.

Those who not only lead themselves on the right path but also guide society toward goodness are divine human beings.Narayan Guru belonged to this category,” Bommai said.

Several dignitaries, including C.C.Patil,MLA Chandu Lamani,and BJP district president,Raju Kuradagi,were present at the event.