Binish Thomas (Sub-Editor)
Quality food is important for mental health and good education:CM Siddaramaiah.
*We aspire to create opportunities for good education even for poor children.
Chief Minister Siddaramaiah said that quality food is important for mental health and good education.
He was speaking after inaugurating the programme of providing supplementary nutritious food 6 days in a week to government and aided primary and high school children in partnership with Azimpremji Foundation.
‘I have seen children come to school without breakfast and stay in school till noon without lunch.Hence the Government initiated providing food and eggs twice a week. Azim Prem Ji Foundation has joined hands with the government to provide eggs to children four days a week and provide them with nutritious food.
The CM gave a call to school children to evolve scientifically and intellectually.He opined that only then they can become socially oriented.
We aspire to create opportunities for better education even for underprivileged children.For this reason,apart from providing uniforms,shoes,socks, we are opening more and more residential schools,he said.
Education Minister,Madhu Bangarappa,Wipro chief, Azim Premji couple, Additional Chief Secretary to the Government LK Ateeq,Chief Minister’s Political Secretary Naseer Ahmed,Guarantee Implementation Committee Vice Chairman Mehrooz and many dignitaries were present.