Three Juveniles ropes with friends to rob own house in Bengaluru

Pramesh S Jain & Yogesh K Porwar 

Probing a house break theft reported in Parappana Agrahara the police detained a group of two juveniles including a minor girl who roped in her two friends and hatched a plan to burgle her house .

Based on the complaint, the police began probing the incident and analyzed as many as 60 cameras to find a burkha clad person had burgled the house .

Further verification of CCTV cameras found that the suspect had found spoken to a girl .

The police cross checked with the local residents in the area before zeroing on the three minor including a girl for hatching house break theft plan in her house.

Inquiries revealed that the girl had misused the ATM card of her grand mother and withdrawn money for her personal use.

The family used to heckle her all the time which led the girl to hatch a plan to teach them a lesson.

As per the plan,she roped in two of her minor friends and informed him about the family going out and also about the secret place where the door lock was kept .

As per the plan,the burkha clad minor took the keys entered the house and stolen 380 grams of gold valuables total worth Rs.24.5 lakh.

The accused had even planed to dispose the valuables and handed over part of the gold to one of their tuition teacher with a request to sell the gold and give them money one of the minor’s father was alcoholic and not taking care of the house .

The gold given to them by one their mother to dispose to pay tuition fee.

Based on their confession,the police recovered the gold valuables and approached juvenile justice board for further procedure .