Yogesh K Porwar & Siddarath Sethia
A four year old boy was killed after he was run over by a speeding truck while crossing the busy Mysuru Bengaluru road in Ramohalli under Kumbalagodu police station limits on Saturday.
The victim,Ayush,son of Amar and Pooja couple from Uttar Pradesh had come to Ramohalli to work as wall painter .
The couple had two children and Ayush is the eldest among the two .
According to the police,the couple had come to Mobile shop in Ramohalli to get the phone repaired .
While Pooja was busy talking to the shop keeper,Amar crossed the road to buy chocolates for the children.
Meanwhile Ayush slipped from the mother’s hand to go to his father and crossing the road,when the truck in a bid to overtake a parked bus run over Ayush .
The truck driver could not notice Ayush who was crossing the road and run over in a bid to take over the bus and moving towards the city, the officer, said .
Due ot the impact Ayush crushed to death and passers-by noticed the accident confronted the truck driver bashed him up and damaged the truck before handing him over to the police.
The police got the driver admitted to the hospital and awaiting for his recovery for further investigations.
The police seized the damaged truck and the medical report confirmed truck driver was not under the influence of alcohol,a senior officer,said .
The Kumbalagodu police have registered a case of death due to negligence and rash and negligent driving against the driver for further investigation.