Why is there no contingency plan: Chief Minister Siddaramaiah questions officials

Dr.Thomas (Special Correspondent)

*Sitting in the office will not solve the problem: Hold Escom MDs responsible: CM instructs.

*Previous government did not enhance installed capacity.

*Convince farmers that production is stunted now without rain:CM Siddaramaiah.

Chief Minister Siddaramaiah questioned the officials of the Energy Department as to why they have not made necessary plans/preparations for emergency situations so that farmers do not have power shortage.

Speaking during the review of the progress of the Energy Department at home office Krishna today, the CM mentioned the districts where farmers’ protests were happening and took the officials to task.

Action should be taken to supply the available power scientifically in different batches. If this had been done earlier, it would have been possible to handle the situation without troubling the farmers,despite the lack of electricity.

Sitting in the office will not solve the problem.Chief Engineers must go to the field.The CM gave clear instructions to convince the farmers about the situation and hear their grievances.

Stating that there was no power generation despite good rains during the previous government,the CM said that there is deficit rainfall and we are facing drought.

Farmers should be convinced of this situation.He suggested that available electricity should be supplied to the farmers by understanding their requirements.

The CM questioned as to what action has been taken regarding power pilferage and leakage? How many SPs are there in the vigilance force? The chief minister gave instructions to keep track of the power thefts they have detected and also instructed to check if the officers were working proactively.

Chief Minister’s Political Secretary,Govindaraju,Chief Secretary to the Government,Vandita Sharma,Energy Department Deputy Chief Secretary,Gaurav Gupta, Finance Department Deputy Chief Secretary,L.K.Ateeq and senior officers were present.