Pramesh S Jain & Yogesh K Porwar
The Kamakshipalya police have arrested a 48-year-old private bus driver for stamping another private bus driver to death over parking row and later dumped his body in a storm water drain to make it look like an accidental death.
However the accused Venkatesh,had made a mistake of covering the body with a old cotton bed he got in from a garbage dump and placed a stone slab to conceal the body.
While the Kamakshipalya police have recovered the body of Venkataswamy,52 and registered an unnatural death case based on PM report which was not clear on cause of death,Inspector,Lohith BN,who visited the scene of crime suspected something amiss and began investigations.
The police with the help of social media and missing complaints registry ascertained the identity of the deceased and summoned the wife and son to record the statement.
Initially the wife,who was the complainant misguided the police with false information.However the police began to analyze the technical details and gathered over 150 CCTV footage from in and around to check the
movements of Venkataswamy minutes before he died .
While verifying a CCTV clip the police came across a bus passing by and track down the bus before zeroing in on Venkatesh from Kodigehalli.
A Detailed probe led him to confess that he was having fights with Venkataswamy frequently over parking. Venkataswamy used to park his bus at the designated place given to Venkatesh frequently .
Despite several warning,Venkataswamy refused to listen.Enraged Venkatesh on the night of Januanry 12, confronted Venkataswamy who came to park and got into the bus and started to hit him .
He soon over powered Venkataswamy who was drunk and pulled him down and stamped him on his chest and neck and killed him.
He later carried the body in the bus for around 3 kilometers to an isolated place on Sunkadakatte and dumped his body and returned .
He parked the bus in the same place and went to sleep in the bus .
The police have charged him under murder and recorded his statement for further investigations,
Finally Bengaluru Police Commissioner,CH Pratap Reddy,has appreciated Addl CP West,Sandeep Patil, DCP West,Lakshman Nimbargi,ACP,Ravi P,PI,Lohith BN and his team as,PSIs,as,Murthy,Kashilingegowda,Pradeep Kumar and crime staff as,Natesh KN,Chennappa,Vasanth Kumar,Manjunath,Sathish, Amresh Gowda,Kiran Kumar,Anad and other staff has been appreciated for cracking the blind case successfully a suitable reward will be given to whole team he added.