Woman accused brothers of rape and cheating. She also accused one of the brother of forcing her to convert :

Pramesh S Jain

A 19 year old receptionist working in a private hotel in Bridage road has filed a cheating complaint against owner of hotel and his brother for rape cheating and criminal intimidation.

While the elder brother raped her multiple times in return to the favour of getting her lucrative job, the younger brother raped her on the pretext of proposing to marry her and later tried to convert her to Islam,the victim alleged in her complaint.

Based on the complaint the CK Acchukattu police registered a case against Shabeed Ahmed and Mohamed Rilwan charging on January 9.

The victim who was working as receptionist at a Spa in Basavanagudi met Shabeer in October 2018 when he visited the spa.

Shabeer claiming to be owner of a hotel on brigade road offered her job and the victim took up the offer.

After few days Shabeer on the pretext of discussing work related issue called the victim to Oyo hotel which he had booked and raped her.He threatened to kill her and his family if she reveal this to anyone.

The accused even threatened to disfigure her face by pouring acid.

The victim fearing her life and her family members safety continue to suffer silently and work.Using this opportunity the accused raped her several times and threaten her everytime.

In February 2019,Rilwan brother of Shabeer approaches her and emathised to her suffering. He offered support and even met her parents and proposed to marry her.

Rilwan even gained the confidence of her parents and borrowed money RS.1.5 lakh from parents .

After much persuasion the victim gave her consent for marriage and the marriage Hall was booked and invitations printed and marriage was scheduled to solemnise in November 2020.

After confirmed dates the accused raped me many times stating that he is marrying her and forced to remove the bindi she was wearing.

He promised to get me job in Dubai,took my passport,photos and got signed in a blank paper stating that he would get visa work done and escape.

Since then he was missing and mobiles phone switched off.The victim contacted Rilwan’s friends and came to know that he is married recently.

Both the brothers lured me to rape and cheat me and hence strict legal action to be taken against them,the victim said in her complaint.