UGC: Admissions will now be held twice a year!

Like Western countries like America, students in our country can now take admissions twice a year in PG and degree courses.

–Galla S Kiran Kumar, Bureau Chief

UGC releases draft guidelines for supplementary exams
to be implemented in degree and PG courses in July-August as well as January-February
 Hyderabad: Like Western countries like America, students in our country can now take admissions in PG and degree courses twice every year. The UGC on Thursday released draft guidelines for changing the rules in this regard. These changes have been initiated as part of the implementation of the National New Education Policy (NEP-2020). Objections and suggestions can be sent on the draft by the 23rd of this month. After that, the UGC will issue a gazette. The new guidelines will be applicable to all courses. However, for courses like engineering and management, the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) will release guidelines with minor changes. However, will the state government and universities implement these new policies? Or not? It remains to be seen. 

You can study two courses at the same time.

  • Currently, admission to degree and PG courses in the country is possible only once in an academic year. If the new policy comes into effect, students will now be able to take admission in degree and PG courses in July-August; January-February every year. Those who pass the supplementary examination will have the opportunity to join the courses in January-February itself, without having to wait a year. 
  • Students can study two degree or two PG courses simultaneously.
  • You can study different subjects, not just the subjects in your chosen course. Even if you are admitted to B.Sc.. you can choose some BA subjects. BA students.. if they qualify in the MSc entrance exam.. they can also join that course. That means, you can get admission in PG in a course of interest even if it is not related to the subjects studied in your degree.  
  • Colleges can teach lessons in a hybrid format (some in the classroom, some online).

50 percent credits for skill subjects

The credit allocation system has also been changed. From now on, 50 percent of the credits will be allocated to core subjects. The remaining 50 percent of the credits will be allocated to skill-building subjects, other subjects of interest, and apprenticeships/internships.  

The ability to complete the degree in two and a half years

A three-year degree course can be completed in two and a half years, and a four-year honors course in three years. For this, after completing one or two semesters, one can opt for the Accelerated Degree Program (ADP). This opportunity is available only to 10 percent of the seats.