Pramesh S Jain & Yogesh K Porwar
42-year-old hotelier was charred to death in his car parked in muddinapalya under Byadarahalli police station limits on Saturday.
The deceased has been identified as Pradeep Chandrashekhar,resident of Nagarabhavi,he runs a Hotel consultancy services.
Residents noticed the car parked in a vacant site went up in flame and alerted police.
The police along with the fire and emergency Personnel rushed to the spot and put out the fire,but by then pradeep who was in a driving seat charred to death.
Based on the complaint by assistant sub inspector , Srinivas Murthy,the police have taken up a case of suspicious death for further investigation.
The police based on the car registration number plate , the police established the identity of the deceased and probing further to ascertain the cause of death.
The police analysed the CCTV from in and around the area to find that Pradeep had drove the car and parked in the vacant land before the car went up in flame later.
We suspect that it was a case of suicide but further investigating to rule out any foul play, the officer said.