Army Sports Institute, Pune under the aegis of Services Sports Control Board is conducting the 3rd Elite Men’s Boxing National Championship on behalf of Boxing Federation of India with effect from 27 October to 02 November 2018. The competition will involve participation of nearly 360 Boxers in Men’s Category from 36 teams of various States/Services or equivalent State Federations. The venue is Army Sports Institute, Mundwa Road, Ghorpadi Pune.
This Championship will be conducted for all ten Weight Categories. This Championship will be short listing boxers for National Camps and next year’s Olympic Qualifying Tournaments by Boxing Federation of India. Olympian Shiva Thapa (Asian games and Commonwealth games medallist, Arjuna Awardee), Subedar Satish Kumar (Commonwealth 2018 Silver Medallist and Arjuna Awardee 2018), Naib Subedar Manish Kaushik(Commonwealth 2018 Silver Medallist), Mr Naman Tanwar (Commonwealth 2018 Bronze Medallist) and Mr Gaurav Biduri (Senior World Championship Bronze Medallist) are some of the top boxers who will be participating in this National Boxing Championship.
The Boxing Nationals will begin on 27 October 2018 with an opening ceremony. The Semi Final and Final bouts are scheduled for 01 November 2018 and 02 November 2018 respectively. There will be a medal distribution ceremony for the winners on 02 November 2018 followed by the Closing Ceremony.
All arrangements to accommodate players, officials and conducting staff have been made by Army Sports Institute for a smooth conduct of the championship and world class infrastructure available at Army Sports Institute will be utilised for hosting the matches. Boxing enthusiasts of Pune are welcome to come & witness the events on all days.