Union Home Minister Shri Rajnath Singh has said that print media has an extremely important role in safeguarding democracy and democratic processes. Launching the Kollam edition of Malayalam daily Janmabhumi at Kollam in Kerala today, he said that responsible print media should create awareness among the people that there is no place for violence in a democracy. Shri. Rajnath Singh said that he had urged Kerala Chief Minister Shri Pinarayi Vijayan to deal firmly with the political violence in the state. Union Home Minister said, if any need is required the Centre will provide help for this.
Referring to the recent devastating floods in the state, Union Home Minister said the centre is committed to provide all help to mitigate the sufferings of people of Kerala and for rehabilitation of flood victims and reconstruction of the state. He said the inter ministerial Central team had completed its visit to the state and its report will soon be considered once submitted. Shri. Rajnath Singh pointed out that the centre had already released two instalments of rupees 100 Crore and 500 Crore each towards immediate assistance to the state. Central Agencies like National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) have been asked to help in the reconstruction of roads in the state. Union Home Minister also lauded the role of fishermen who saved hundreds of lives during the recent floods in Kerala.