Pramesh S Jain & Yogesh K Porwar
A delegation comprising of lawyers,students and activists on Thursday protested outside state police head quarters demanding necessary action objecting to Delhi and UP police flouting rules while carrying out arresting civil activists .
The delegation also demanded the police to take action against hate speeches in Karnataka .
A memorandum has been submitted in this regard which stated that the work of Nadeem Khan and Mohammed Zubair in highlighting hate speeches and hate campaigns has been key to calling for accountability against hate mongers.
Nadeem Khan is the National Secretary of the Association for Protection of Civil Rights,an organization that works on legal aid for the victims of many human rights violations,including hate crimes and hate speech, alongside research and documentation of the same.
Mohammed Zubair is a well-known journalist and fact-checker.Delhi Police and the UP Police are conducting a targeted witch-hunt of human rights activists,”a part of the memorandum stated .
The sequence of events underscores concerns about procedural violations,intimidation tactics,and misuse of power by law enforcement.
Nadeem Khan and Md. Zubair are relentlessly working to document human rights violations especially in cases of hate crimes,supporting victims and their families in addition to critical work exposing disinformation and upholding truth, the memorandum stated .
The FIR and criminal investigations are clearly being used as a tool of harassment to silence human rights work.
This is to create a chilling effect of fear and prevent the individuals from taking up issues of the violated amongst minorities and other communities.Karnataka Police must not be a party to such lawless behaviour.
This is not the first time,that police of another state have come to Karnataka to illegally detain someone here. In Disha Ravi’s case,the Delhi police illegally detained her from Bengaluru,the memorandum,stated .
This is an attack on federal principles of governance that a State Police of another State without intimation to the persons named as accused or cooperation from the jurisdictional police is emboldened to take such arbitrary illegal actions outside their jurisdiction.