The coalition government has announced a Diwali gift for women in the state. It has decided to implement the guarantee of distribution of 3 free gas cylinders per year as part of Super Six guarantees from 31st of this month.

Implementation of 3 free gas cylinders scheme
within 48 hours of delivery, money deposited in the account 15 acres
of allotment canceled for Sharada Peetha in Visakha, sand
completely free. Decisions Today – Amaravati
The Koo Tami government has announced a Diwali gift for women in the state. It has decided to implement the guarantee of distribution of 3 free gas cylinders per year as part of Super Six guarantees from 31st of this month. It has been arranged that the money will be deposited in their bank accounts within 48 hours of gas delivery. It has taken important decisions like cancellation of seinerage etc. to allow people to get sand for free, increasing the number of members in the temple governing bodies by two more and appointing Brahmins in one of them. Ministers Kolusu Parthasarathy, Nadendla Manohar, Kollu Ravindra and Vangalapudi Anita Vilekar disclosed these decisions at the Cabinet meeting chaired by CM Chandrababu on Wednesday at the Secretariat. Those details are in their words..
A cylinder for four months
- The scheme of free gas cylinders will be implemented from 31st of this month. We will start bookings three to four days before this.
- The cost of the cylinder is to be paid by the beneficiary at the time of delivery. Within 48 hours the money will be returned and deposited in their bank account. You can get one cylinder from 31st of this month before the end of March.
- From the next financial year, we will give one cylinder for free every four months. We have provided an opportunity to get the first cylinder from April 1 to the end of July 2025, the second cylinder from August 1 to the end of November, and the third cylinder from December 1 to the end of March 2026.
- The government will bear the burden of Rs.2,684 crore in 3 installments at the rate of Rs.894.92 crore under subsidy on cylinders in one installment. We have arranged to pay the concession amount of each tranche in advance to the respective oil companies.
Sand is completely free
- The Cabinet has decided to provide sand completely free of charge. On top of that, the Cenarage, District Mineral Fund (DMF), Mineral Exploration Fund (MERIT) and GST have all been abolished.
- Anyone can bring their own vehicle and carry sand in the river. Villagers in the river basins can carry sand in bulldozers and tractors. However, they have to register the details either on the website of the Department of Mines, at the village or ward secretariat or at the REACH.
- Strict action against smuggling or misuse of free sand. PD cases are registered in case of repeated smuggling.
- Issuance of mineral dealer licenses to make reserves available in 5 districts where sand is not available.
In the cabinet meeting chaired by CM Chandrababu, Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan, ministers and senior officials
Cancellation of Rs.225 crore land allocation for Sarada Peetha
The cabinet has approved the cancellation of the order given by the previous government allotting 15 acres of land worth Rs.225 crore to Saradapeeth in Visakhapatnam district at the rate of Rs.1 lakh per acre. Peetha administrators first applied to start a Vedic and cultural school and got different GOs issued. They wanted to use the government land for business. Swarupananda’s successor, Swatmanandendra, wrote to the CM to amend the old GO with the intention of increasing the income of Sarada Peetha with those lands. They wanted to allocate land for commercial and residential areas on the sea coast. In GO, it is for the spread of Vedic education and Peetha activities. That is why we have decided to cancel this land allotment. In Tirumala, 9 thousand square yards are allocated for this Peetha, but buildings are constructed in 24-25 thousand square yards and rooms are rented out in it. We will look into these violations and take an appropriate decision soon.
The irregularities in the tenders were approved by the retired judge
In the previous government, the system of judicial review was brought to ensure that the irregularities committed in the tenders were approved by the retired judge. Arrangement to invite tenders worth more than Rs.100 crores after judicial review. Even though it is said to be a transparent procedure, the number of tenders has not increased anywhere. The possibility of complete exploitation has been provided. That is why the Cabinet decided to cancel the judicial review process for tenders and conduct the old system.
1,800 crore loan guarantee
- Cabinet approves government guarantee to avail Rs 1,800 crore loan through AP Markfed for paddy procurement under AP Civil Supplies Corporation this financial year.
- Approval to continue government guarantee for Rs.80 crore loan taken by AP State Seeds Development Corporation Limited from AP State Cooperative Bank Limited (Vijayawada).
Nadu Pappubellalla Land Allotments: Kolusu
Minister Kolusu Parthasarathy flagged that lands were allotted to Pappu Bellalla in the previous government and looted from Andinakadi. Minister Kollu Ravindra criticized that Jagan government used sand as a source of income. It was alleged that Jagan had given a clean chit to some companies, even though they owed Rs.1,000-1,200 crores. Due to the rules of NGT, sand mining could not be carried out in the rivers till 15th of this month. The former government leaders were criticized for taking over the liquor distilleries and looting them by manufacturing the brands of their choice. They said that the searches are going on and all those irregularities will come out in the CID investigation. Civil Supplies Minister Nadendla Manohar said that new ration cards will be issued in the state soon.
All the geos of the dark regime are available..
During the dark regime of the previous government, the GOs were deliberately hidden. From August 15, 2021 to August 27 this year, it has been decided to upload all those GOs that have not been placed in the portal. In the alliance government, we are embedding all GOs in the GOIR portal from August 27.
Place for Brahmins in the temple governing bodies
The cabinet approved the proposal to introduce a bill in the Legislative Assembly to increase the number of two more members in the governing body of the temples and to nominate one each from a Brahmin and a Nai Brahmin.
- In the previous government, even though an order was given appointing Nayi Brahmins as a member of the governing bodies of the temple, the number of members was not increased. Due to this, while Nai Brahmins are getting a chance for BCs under the reservation of ruling class members, other BCs are not getting a chance. Now out of the two members raised, one will be given to Brahmins and the other to Nai Brahmins. The remaining members will be allowed to exercise reservations as before.