Pramesh S Jain & Yogesh K Porwar
The Halasurugate police on Saturday arrested two persons for stealing parked excavator from the court premises on last TUesday.
The accused along with two others had come to the court premises in a truck on Tuesday night and hoodwinked the security stating that they had come to drop the construction material .
The accused later loaded the parked excavator and fled away.
The excavator was parked at the court premises construction site to complete the pending work .
Govindaraju,owner of the vehicle,who with the court permission obtained the CCTV footage which had records of the theft,and filed a complaint based on which the police identify the accused and track them down at Anekal and arrested them.
Inital probe revealed that the accused and the owner had a dispute over finance following which the vehicle had been stolen.
The police have booked the duo on the charges of vehicle theft and efforts are on to track down two others who are on the run.