Subramanyapura police arrested 16-year-old for murder of BBA student over Rs.2k in Bengaluru

Pramesh S Jain & Yogesh K Porwar 


he subramanyapura police cracked the case of a 21 year old girl suspicious death and arrested a minor boy on the charges of killing her over a row over Rs.2,000 and made it look like suicide.

The victim found dead at the washroom of the house with head injuries and deep cut injuries on her neck and wrist.

Even though police termed the incident as suicide,the mother of the victim cried foul and filed a complaint of murder.

The police recovered the post mortem report stating that it was not self inflicting injuries and the body was washed along with the kitchen knife to destroy the evidence.

Based on the report the police further investigated and zeroed in on the accused aged around 16 from the neighbourhood.

Inquires revealed that the accused was friend of victim’s brother used to come home regularly.

He had stolen Rs.2000 from the victim house and the victim saw and warned to tell his parents.

Fearing this the accused decided to kill her and used a kitchen knife to attack and killed her.

The accused also stole her mobile phone from the house .

The mother of the victim who is a social activist said that her daughter is studious with lots of plans in life and can not commit suicide.

She used to talk to me regularly and discuss every issue.

On the fateful day too the victim had called mother a few minutes before getting killed and was normal.

The younger brother of the victim who was last seen her sister alive went to play living the victim alone.
Her mother a single parents was away at work .

The police had initially suspected she had committed suicide as all the evidence pointed towards the theory.

The police had even picked up few people and questioned as mother suspected that the somone had entered and exit the house before and after the murder.