60-Year-Old Farmer and her female friend arrested for killing their woman buddy drinking over trivial row

Yogesh K Porwar & Sunil Lohan 

The Gouribidanuru police on Wednesday arrested a 60-year-old farmer and his 37-year-old female friend on the charges of murdering their woman drinking buddy on Sunday.

The accused Sanjevappa,owner of three acres of land and also accused of encroaching government grazing land had an illicit affair with Ramanjinamma and the deceased Almelamma,who used to work in his field as daily wage labourer .

Senior officer told reporters,the trio used to drink regularly at the field.On Sunday too,the trio had a alcohol party and passed out.

We suspect that due to hot weather Almelamma suffered from dehydration since she was not eaten and drinking since morning and died while sleeping.

The duo woke up in the evening and found Almelamma dead .

Fearing of getting caught,the duo carried the body and dumped it in an isolated place,before returning home .

The incident came to light when family of Almelamma noticed she was missing since three days and approached the police.The villagers and police later discovered the highly decomposed body.

The police team during initial probe found that Almelamma was found last with Sanjevappa and picked him up for questioning. A Detailed questioning led to him to confess to the crime.

The police booked the duo under murder and waiting post mortem report to ascertain the cause of death and for further investigations.