Duo among Cook of BSF Campus and Youtuber killed and pillion rider injured in accident outside BSF camp gate in Yelahanka

Pramesh S Jain & Yogesh K Porwar


41-year-old cook at the Border Security Force and 32-year-old engineer turned Youtuber were killed and his friend riding pillion was injured when the bike they were riding collided head on with a scooter outside BSF camp gate on service road on Saturday night .

The deceased have been identified as Sudhakar, Armyman who was returning home from work while the accused Girish,was heading to Bagaluru with his friend.

Girish also had a Youtube channel where he was promoting road safety and safe driving tips to motorists.

According to the police,the accident occurred at around 10.30 pm outside the BSF camp gate on service road.

The Victim sudhakar was coming out of the gate when Girish who was riding his bike in a rash and negligent manner crashed into the bike.

The trio suffered severe head injuries and rushed to a near-by hospital where the doctors declared Sudhakar was brought dead,while Girish succumbed to his injuries later.

The injured pillion rider Murali,34,also sustained injuries but said to be out of danger and recovering from the hospital .

The Yelahanka traffic police have registered a case of death due to negligence and rash and negligence riding against Murali and are investigating.