Honour Killing :Father killed daughter over love affair with a boy from different community

Pramesh S Jain & Dr.Thomas (Special Correspondent)

Furious over spoiling the family reputation, a 50-year-old butcher killed his daughter by slitting her throat while she was sleeping at home in Bidaluru village in the outskirts of the city on Wednesday night.

The deceased Kavana,20,worked in Amazon company was in relationship with Manoj from different community and broke her engagement six months ago .

Embarrassed father got the same youth to marry his younger daughter Keerthana,19.

However Keerthana was also not happy with the marriage returned to the father’s house and demanded that she should not go back to her husband”s house.

Heated argument broke out at home following which Keerthana called the NGO for help,The NGO,identified as Sakhi came home and counselled the family members and took away Keerthana with them.

Frustrated Manjunath blamed Kavana for the mess and attacked her with the stick used to make ragi ball while she was sleeping.

The accused pulled out a knife and slit her throat while she was writhing in pain at around 4 am and walked into the station to confess about the murder.

The villagers shocked with the murder terming it as a honour killing,but the police termed it as murder due to fit of rage and frustration over humiliation.