Target for 42 Lok Sabha seats, TMC launches new programme as pujas are over

Abhijit Ray:The target is all 42 Lok Sabha seats. Ahead of the 24th lok Sabha elections, the ruling Trinamool Congress in the state is once again organising a massive programme to motivate workers at the grassroots level. Once the autumn festival season is over, the order to start the party’s programme from the end of November will reach the block to block. While the state government’s development programmes will be prepared and circulated in the form of books, the state government will also decide on the guidelines for the party’s campaign against the opposition.Abhishek Bandopadhyay launched a navjowar yatra ahead of the elections across the state to bring the party to the cleaners from the panchayat level as well as motivate the workers. The 51-day programme had received a huge response among party workers in the block on the one hand, as well as encouraged a counter-fight against the opposition.But ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, MamataBanerjee and Abhishek Bandopadhyay, who have already formed an ‘India’ alliance at the all-India level, are now finalising a series of programmes to ‘charge’ party workers. Like the panchayat polls, the Lok Sabha elections are sure to focus on big issues like 100 days of work, awas yojana and allegations of deprivation of Bengal against the BJP and the central government.MamtaBanerjee and Abhishek will hold a dharna at Rajghat in Delhi on October 2 to press for their 100-day arrears.Party MLAs and zilla parishad presidents have been asked to reach by October 1 to participate in the programme. MPs will also be in Delhi as Parliament is in session. One thing is clear: the ruling party in the state is fighting the Lok Sabha elections keeping serious issues like central deprivation in mind. In fact, from the hills to the sea, from the booth level, the TMC is starting its programme after the puja to take the party to the electoral arena.