Chief Minister Siddaramaiah offers bagina to Krishna reservoir

Pramesh S Jain 

*Akhanda Karnataka:No North/South discrimination.

*Drought declaration:Decision on 4th September.

Chief Minister Siddaramaiah offered bagina to Krishna reservoir in the program organized by Krishna Bhagya
Jal Nigam today in Alamatti.

He spoke to the media later.The storage level of Alamatti is 519.6 meter.Its total storage capacity is 123.08 tmc,one tmc of water is 11 thousand cusecs of water.

Among the reservoirs of entire Karnataka,the upper Krishna and Narayanpura reservoirs are full.As it is filled,water is being released to the canals,for drinking water and electricity generation purposes.

There is shortage of one TMC as water is released for drinking water purpose.There is 492 mt water in Narayanpur too. There is live storage of 105.46 TMC water.

Compared to last year,the water storage is less by 11 TMC Last year the inflow was high.There was 25,450 cusecs water,but now there is 3730 cusecs water storage,he said.

*Drought declaration: Decision on 4th September*

On the whole,rainfall has been low in the upper Krishna catchment area this year.Rainfall was less in the month of June in the state and there is a deficit of 56% .

The deficit was also found in August and the Cabinet Sub-Committee has already held three meetings under the chairmanship of the Revenue Minister.

Another meeting will be held on September 04.A joint survey has been conducted in 113 taluks and it is also said that drought has occurred in another 73 taluks. After conducting a joint survey,a decision will be reached on September 4,he said.

*Request for revision of NDRF norms:

After the declaration of drought,a request will be submitted to the central government for assistance to the drought-affected taluks.

After the central government committee conducts the survey,the NDRF will release the funds as per the norms.

The state government will carry out the relief works in this grant and it will also allocate money from SDRF for the relief works.There has been no revision since 2020.

He said that a request letter has been sent to the central government to revise the NDRF guidelines and give more compensation to the states.

*Akhand Karnataka: No North/South discrimination.

Krishna and Kaveri are lifelines of the state.Farmers on Kaveri and Krishna bank region are all our farmers.He said that there is no question of discrimination.There is no question of South or North in Akhanda Karnataka,he said.

*Cauvery water to Tamilnadu: All-party delegation to Delhi soon.

We have sought the time of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Water Resources Minister to take an all-party delegation to Delhi regarding Cauvery water.

The water resources minister has already met the lawyers who are arguing on behalf of our state and convinced them of the facts.

He said that the case will come up for hearing on Wednesday and he has given appropriate direction as to what our argument should be.

*Request for Notification for Upper Krishna Project:

If the Union Minister gives time,we will prevail upon the Central Government to issue a gazette notification related to the Upper Krishna Project.

Although the Mahadayi project has been notified,forest and environment clearances is not obtained.Central government will be urged for clearance for this project and Mekedatu project.

Today Cauvery basin is facing difficult times due to lack of rain and lack of drinking water.According to water policy,drinking water should be given first priority,he said.

*1 lakh crore required for the completion of Phase 3:

About Rs.1 Lakh Crore is required for completion of phase 3 of Upper Krishna Project,rehabilitation and reconstruction works and land acquisition process.

Rs.83,700 crore is estimated as per 2023.We may require about Rs.1 lakh crore for the completion of the project.

The state government is ready to take up the work but the central government needs to issue the gazette notification at the earliest.

*Felicitation to ISRO scientists:

Reacting to the successful launch of Aditya-L1 satellite by ISRO,the CM said that the ISRO scientists have been congratulated on the successful launch of Chandrayan -3.

He also added that a felicitation ceremony would be organized by the government for ISRO scientists as a sign of appreciation.

Deputy Chief Minister and Water Resources Minister, DK Shivakumar,District In-charge Minister,MB Patil, Minister,Krishnabaire Gowda,MLA H.Y. Matey, Yashwanth Rayagowda Patila,Ashoka Managuli,Vithala Katakadonda,MP Ramesh Jigajinagi,PC Gaddigowda were present on the occasion.