Most of the cases women are trafficked through close friends-Kolkata police warned parents with statistics

Abhijit Ray:In 44% of cases, girls and young women are trafficked through their close friends. The Kolkata police, therefore, appealed to the parents of the teenage girls to keep an eye on their friends.On Tuesday, the Kolkata Police organised a seminar titled ‘Chetna’ in the city with students from 50 schools. It highlighted the trafficking of several girls and young women. Kolkata Police intelligence department officials, who were present at the seminar, said the survey found that 95 per cent of the women traffickers were known to trafficked girls or young women. Of these, 44 per cent are enemies who take the form of ‘friends’.The rest were 28 per cent of neighbours, 17 per cent of family members, and 6 per cent of traffickers disguised as lovers, with promises of marriage.The parents were asked by the police to keep a close watch on the girl in the house to prevent this trafficking. They try to find out the friends they’re meeting, how they are and their true identities. In particular, parents should keep an eye on their movements if they mingle closely with someone, talk or chat on the mobile phone for an extra time, lock the door of the room for a long time.In addition to the known and real traffickers, there are two brokers in the middle. The police have advised parents to contact the nearest police station if they have any doubts.