Karnataka ‘honour killing’ case: kamasamudra Inspector suspended for negligence by IGP Central Range

Dr.Thomas (Special Correspondent)

Kamasamudra Circle inspector has been suspended by Inspector General of police central range for Deriliction of duty while handling a murder case .

IGP,Central Range,Dr.BR Ravikanthe Gowda has issued the suspension orders of Kamasamudra Circle Inspector P.J.Madhukar in this regard on Sunday.

The incident pertaining to a man strangling his daughter to death for falling in love with a youth belonging to Dalit community was reported from Bodagurki village near Bangarapet town in Kolar on June 27.

The accused Krishnamurthy was upset that his daughter Keerthi,20,pursuing pre University course was in love with a youth identified as Gangadhar,24,from the same area belonging to different community..

Taking strong objection the accused Krishnamurthy tried to convince Keerthi to stay away from Gangadhar but she was adamant to marry him.

Enraged Krishnamurthy strangled her to death and later hang her body to make it look like suicide.

Hearing the death of Keerthi,Gangadhar ended his life by jumping in front of a moving train.

The kamasamudra police took up the case found not followed the SOP.Inspector madhukar not only touched the body before the due procedure and shifted to hospital.

The inspector also did not inform the senior police officials about the incident and did not completed the procedure to be followed before and after post mortem procedure.

This led suspicion that Inspector trying to deviated the course of investigation and hence found his gross negligence and deriliction of duty, a senior officer, said.