Unknown persons booked by North CEN Police for sending morphed pictures of Centenarian and Environmentalist Salumarada Thimmakka to her son

Dr.Thomas (Special Correspondent)

The North division cyber crime police are on the lookout for a person who sent morphed photos of Centenarian and noted environmentalist and Nadoja awardee,Salumarada Thimmakka .

Based on the complaint by her foster son,Umesh BS, the police registered a case against the accused charging him under section 67 (publishing or transmitting obscene material in electronic form) of the IT act.

Mr.Umesh in his complaint,said that the he received the message on his mobile with the morphed phonograph of his mother with someone along with a lewd messages.

Mr.Umesh also shared the mobile number of the person who sent the messages.I do not know who this person is nor i have had spoken to him,he said .

Adding that he is not even informed this incident to his mother but complained to the police to find out the reason behind the act.