The Measles-Rubella vaccination drive started by South Dumdum Municipality of North Kolkata

Abhijit Ray, Kolkata :The MMR vaccine is a vaccine against measles, mumps, and rubella, abbreviated as MMR. The first dose is generally given to children around 9 months to 15 months of age, with a second dose at 15 months to 6 years of age, with at least four weeks between the doses. Measles-Rubella vaccination in West Bengal from January second week. The target of the exercise is to vaccinate around 1 million children in Kolkata and 2.33 crore in West Bengal. In a special drive, the West Bengal Health Department will start the Measles-Rubella Vaccination Campaign (MRVC) across the State from January second week. Today ,theMeasles-Rubella vaccination drive started by South Dumdum Municipality of North Kolkata. Today, around 200children’s arebeing vaccinated . The entire vaccination drive was being initiated with the help of the medical practitioners of South Dumdum Municipality. The local civic body’s Councillor Mrs Suchayita Das was also present in the occasion.







Health officials and people associated with the vaccination exercise said that because of the thrust of COVID-19 vaccination, exercises like MRVC had taken a back seat. The target of the exercise is to vaccinate around 1 million children in Kolkata and 2.33 crore in West Bengal. Children aged between 9 months to 15 years will be covered in the vaccination programme between January 9 and February 13.

The State Health Department and different agencies like World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), and Lions Club International will participate in the campaign which will provide free vaccines to children through schools.

“This MR vaccine is safe and it is not a new vaccine, it has already been in the routine Immunization programme of India for many years,” Subhajit Bhattacharya, Regional Team Leader- East, WHO told journalists. The vaccination exercise will be held in phases the first 2–3 weeks in schools, 2 weeks in the community, and one week for covering missed areas etc.       Rubella is a contagious viral infection that occurs most often in children and young adults. According to official data in the year 2022 West Bengal logged 1,804 measles cases of which 123 were reported from Kolkata.