Military Display On Occasion Of 11th ASC REUNION

Pramesh S Jain & Dr.Thomas (Special Correspondent)

1 1th ASC Reunion & 262nd Corps Day is being celebrated at ASC Centre&College,Bengaluru,on 8th and 9th of December 2022.

To showcase the capability of our Armed Forces and to offer a glimpse into our military might of the nation to the young aspiring minds & to motivate them to join the defense forces,a military display was organized today,7th December 2022,at ASC Centre & College, Bengaluru.

The event showcased an impressive display of Army Equestrian Sports,Para Motor Display and Free Fall from the bravest Paratroopers and a scintillating airshow by Indian Air Force’s Sarang Team.

The display was attended by personnel & families of armed forces,paramilitary forces,police,other defence establishments and school children.

The charismatic events enthralled the captive audience throughout the display.The energy was resonated by the boisterous crowd with loud applause,thunderous ovation and it culminated on a high note. The display by SARANG TEAM of Indian Air Force was mesmerizing.

The team carried out breathtaking maneuvers and acrobatics with our Dhrew heptrs.The display by Trick Riding Team was also very well received by the audience.