Honey Trap Racket busted by KR Puram police Three held for blackmailing government officers with private video

Pramesh S Jain & Yogesh K Porwar


The KR Puram police on Saturday arrested three persons on the charged of blackmailing a sheristadar with a private video.

The accused has been identified as,Ganapathi Nayak,Kishan and Keshavan charging them under blackmail and extortion.

Senior officer told media persons,the victim,stated in his complaint the complainant Sheristadar working in a court in Kolar was befriended by a girl on social media later they developed relationship and she invited him to her house and during meeting she recorded the private videos and passed it on to one of the associate of her gang who is threatening to make it viral and demanded Rs.25 lakhs.

Scared by this the victim approached the court and filed a complaint,based on which the police team led by PI,KR Puram and his crime team trapped the trio and probing further.The police are now on the lookout for the girl who is said to be absconding and further investigation is on.

Finally Bengaluru police commissioner Kamal Pant has appreciated Addl CP East,A Subramanyeswara Rao,DCP,Whitefield,Girish S,PI, Ambarish,PSI,Subramanya and other crime staff has been appreciated for the commendable and exemplary work done by them in nabbing the trio and busting the honey trap racket and a suitable reward will be given to the team he added.