Kengeri police arrested two Drug peddlers seized 7 kilos of Marijuana

Pramesh S Jain & Yogesh K Porwar

The West Division police of Kengeri police on Thursday arrested two persons and recovered seven kilos of Marijuana and an autorickshaw from them.

The accused has been identified as Irfan Pasha and Imra Pasha from Mysore road were caught red handed while selling the drugs to the customers on Kengeri main road.

Senior officer told media persons,based on instructions by the commissioner of police Kamal Pant,special squads are formed to check on drug peddlers and consumers in the city and bring control in drug abuse.

The team received a credible information that some two persons are waiting near Kengeri main road with drugs in their possession to deliver to their clients.

Acting on tip-off Kengeri police inspector, Vasanth C and special team rushed to the spot and kept a close watch on the duo and when they duo were found selling drugs substance as marijuana to their clients was caught red handed.

The team secured them and during investigation the accused confessed the crime and revealed that they sourced the drugs from their contact in the outskirts of the city and smuggled into the city concealing in the vegetable and greens.

The duo have been booked under NDPS Act and taken into custody and further investigations are on to track down the network and the source of the drugs he added.

Finally Bengaluru Police Commissioner,Kamal Pant has appreciated Addl CP West,Soumendhu Mukherjee,DCP West,Dr Sanjeev M Patil,ACP, Kodandarama,PI Vasanth C and his whole team who has acted Swiftly and arrested duo who were peddling drugs in city a suitable reward will be given to the team he added.