Pramesh S Jain & Yogesh K Porwar
The KG Nagar police have booked a case against a financier for abducting,torture and assaulting a security guard over a trivial row.
Though the incident occurred on November 18, the police have registered a case on Friday following a complaint from the family of the guard.
Senior officer said,the accused Vasu@Guttahalli Vasu,brought the security guard Yatish to his office,disrobed and assaulted him with a hockey bat while the latter was crying out to leave him alone.
The accused Vasu also threatened Yatish with dire consequences.The entire act was video recorded and circulated .
Yatish,who is working with a Yoga center in KG Nagar,allegedly misbehaved and sent indecent messages to the wife of accused Vasu,which led to the incident .
Fearing for his life Yatish did not go home and stayed in the center for a few days.Meanwhile worried family members came in search of him and came to know about the incident.
The family members later approached the police and filed a complaint against Vasu who has been absconding since then.
Family members of Vasu also filed a counter complaint about the harassment which is also being looked into.
Complainant stated in his complaint that he has taken loan and not paid interest so he was tortured and assaulted by the financier a investigation is on to ascertain the reason behind the allegations made by both parties he added.