Two miscreants assaulted Sub-inspector and Constable on duty,arrested by Yelahanka New Town police

Pramesh S Jain & Yogesh K Porwar

The Yelahanka new town police arrested two persons including staff of a food delivery company and engineer with a private firm for assaulting a police team over road rage on Monday night.

The arrested accused has been identified as,Manoj Kumar and Dheeraj Kumar.

Senior officer told reporters,The accused driving a car confronted a police vehicle on a narrow road.

The PSI who was on duty asked them to take back their car to allow them pass by but they refused to do so.

Heated argument ensued following which the accused assaulted the police team.

The accused were later arrested and charged for assaulting the police personnel while on duty.

The accused attacked police despite warning from the police and were aware that the police were in uniform,which showed their audacity and arrogance.

Meanwhile Home Minister,Agara Jnanendra reacting to the incident said that the attack on police will not be tolerated at any cost .

The accused have been subjected to medical examination to ascertain whether they are under the influence of alcohol.The duo was remanded to judicial custody while further investigations are  on.