Citizens Grievances Redressal Meeting To Be Conducted Once a Week BBMP Chief Commissioner Gaurav Gupta orders

Yogesh K Porwar & Avanth Kumar Kankaria

To address the grievances of citizens in Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) limits address the basic needs and to hear their grievances every zones need to conduct Citizens grievances addressal meeting directed the chief commissioner.

Chief Commissioner, Gaurav Gupta said,all eight zonal commissioners should lead the citizens grievance addresal meetings along with joint commissioners in their zones every week.

The date,time and venue for these meetings should be informed to the citizens in prior and announcements should be made, he said.

Suggestions coming in from citizens and issues should be considered and participation should be ensured, instructed,commissioner.

For these meetings,respective palike’s officers and various departments like BESCOM,BWSSB, POLICE, TRAFFIC, HOUSING and other department officers and NGOs,volunteers,RWAs in their respective zones should be invited for the discussions,and inform various services provided by the Palike and whatever grievances are there it should be attended to immediately and all suggestions should be considered and worked upon to solve the issues.

The issues like drinking water,cleanliness,street lights and overall facility issues come up,it should be discussed in these weekly meetings which will be headed by the Zonal commissioners and address the problems of the citizens he added.