State’s Performance in conviction rate in Atrocities cases not satisfactory;Control cases of violence against women and children completely:CM instructs

Dr.Thomas (Special Correspondent)

Chief Minister Siddaramaiah took part in senior police officers annual conference and examined the.

*mobile labs of bomb detection and diffusion force and forensic lab.

*upgraded vehicle of mobile command and control center and later launched the.

* applications Police IT -V2.

* ITPA Sarala App.

* Police Mithra chatbot.

*State Police AI App.

Economic intelligence app and released a brief handbook on cyber crime.

*Other highlights:

* If law and order is good,development of the state is possible.Per capita income and GDP of the people will increase.Investors will come.So maintain law and order properly.

* Increase in the number of thefts means that the patrolling system,the Hoysala staff and the station officials have failed.

* If this situation continues,the DCPs will be held liable for dereliction of duty.

* The figures presented by the officers are not satisfactory.May the performance be better by next year.

*Important announcements made by the Chief Minister as part of the Golden Jubilee celebrations of Karnataka Unification:

Construction of a grand and well-equipped Suvarna Police Bhavana in the state. Funds will be allocated in the budget for the said purpose.

Silver medal for police personnel of the state.

Medical allowance of all policemen in the state will be increased from Rs 1000 to Rs1500.

Upgradation of post of CEN Officers to ACP and DCP level.

8 Additional DCP posts will be created additionally in Bangalore city.

An effective step towards making the state drug free will be taken.

Chief Minister Siddaramaiah said that the performance of the state in terms of conviction rate in cases of violence against Dalits is not satisfactory.

He was speaking at the annual conference of senior police officers held at the office of the State Director General of Police.

If the victims are to have faith in the system,the quality of investigations into cases of atrocities must be improved.He gave a clear instruction that a scientifically valid charge sheet should be submitted.

Put a complete stop to cases of violence against women and children.Punishment should be increased. Otherwise, the blame will be on the DCPs themselves for this failure’the CM warned.

‘Our government has given a free hand to the police.My commitment is that we should not poke our nose in the police work.But the free hand should not be misused. He suggested that it should be beneficial to the people.

It is a bad development that police officers are eager for transfers and are also using their caste.CM Siddaramaiah told them not to do so.

We are a secular nation.We should strengthen the aspirations of our constitution,he said.

Crime cases can be reduced with the use of modern technology.

Grants will be set aside in the budget for the construction of Suvarna Police Bhawan,to commemorate 50 years of Karnataka unification.The CM assured that the vacant police posts will also be filled.

Home Minister G.Parameshwar,Home Secretary, Umashankar,State Director General of Police,Alok Mohan,Chief Minister’s Secretary,Trilok Chandra,Chief Minister’s Political Secretaries,Govindaraju and Naseer Ahmed were present.