Byatarayanpura police arrests child kidnapper 3-year old reunited safely after 10 months

Pramesh S Jain.Yogesh K Porwar

The West Division police of Byatarayanapura police have arrested a 22 year old habitual offender on charges of kidnapping a three year old child in the last November while it was playing.

It was an emotional reunion at the Byatarayanapura station when police handed over a three-year-old boy who was kidnapped and sold to a childless couple in Hosur was rescued and reunited with his parents after one year on Saturday.

The police have also arrested a 22-year-old habitual offender who had kidnapped the boy to make quick money which he could spend it on his girlfriend.

The accused was arrested by Vijayanagar police for bike theft was remanded to judicial custody.

After coming out on bail he started to sell vegetables in Hosur,where he befriended a man who told him his relative needed a child for adoption.

The accused was often visiting his girl friend’s house in Shamanna garden often where the child was living with his parents in the neighbourhood.

He planned to kidnap the child while it was playing outside the house in November last year and hand over the child to his friend in Hosur .

He claimed that the boy is the youngest among the three children and due to the pandemic he was facing difficulty to take the children and hence decided to give him for adoption.

He took Rs 60,000 from the man and promised to come back with the adoption papers returned and never went back .

Meanwhile the Byatarayanapura police Inspector MN Nagaraj,following a complaint,initiated investigation and chanced upon the accused who was visiting the house frequently.

The police checked his background and came to know that he had previous cases and picked him on suspicion for questioning.

A detailed questioning led him to confess to the crime,following which the child was rescued and reunited with the family after handing over the child to CWC.

Ironically,the biological mother had two kids,one had died and one was kidnapped while the woman who had adopted the child had lost both her children and the doctor confirmed she couldn’t conceive again,a senior officer said .

The accused was arrested and remanded to judicial custody while the couple who had adopted the child was counselled by CWC and the police officials.

Finally Bengaluru Police Commissioner,Kamal Pant has appreciated Addl CP West,Soumendhu Mukherjee,DCP West,Dr Sanjeev M Patil,ACP,UD Krishna Kumar,PI,MN Nagaraju,and his whole team for the commendable and exemplary work done by them in nabbing the child kidnapper who was on the run from past 10 months a suitable reward will be given to the team he added.