Covid patient commits suicide over depression !

Yogesh K Porwar

A 61 year old covid patient ended his life by hanging himself to a ceiling fan at the ward room of the private hospital near Vijayanagar metro station where he was being treated in the wee hours of Saturday.

The deceased has been identified As Ramanna,61 year old.

The incident came to light when the hospital staff went to check at around 1.10 am he found the patient hanging himself to a ceiling fan.

The hospital staff alerted the police and their family members.

As soon as the incident was reported Vijayanagar police with DCP, West Dr Sanjeev M Patil who was on night rounds visited the spot and after collecting information said that the deceased son has visited the hospital and according to his complaint we will register a case.

The body shifted to Victoria hospital for post mortem while police initiated probe to ascertain cause of the death.

According to the hospital,the victim had locked up his room from inside and when the nurse went to his room to check up on him, the door was locked.

Dr S Raju,Managing Director,Vijayanagar Hospital,said,After our staff found that door was locked we forced open the door and found him hanging.

The police have started the investigation.He had recovered from the Covid-19 and was shifted from ICU to normal ward on Thursday.

After his attendees left the hospital at around 11.30 pm,he locked up and committed suicide.

The hospital will now undertake mental health counselling for patients.If any of our patients, even recovered ones are in depression, we will counsel them,” Raju told reporters.