The Public Enterprises Survey 2017-18 on the performance of Central Public Sector Enterprises, brought out by the Department of Public Enterprises, Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises, was tabled in both the Houses of Parliament today. There were 339 Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSE) in 2017-18, out of which 257 were in operation. Remaining 82 of the CPSEs were under construction.
The major highlights of the performance of CPSEs are:
Total paid up capital in 339 CPSEs as on 31.3.2018 stood at Rs.2,49,988 crore as compared to Rs.2,32,161 crore as on 31.3.2017 (331 CPSEs), showing a growth of 7.68%. Total investment (financial) in all CPSEs was at Rs. 13,73,412 crore as on 31.3.2018 compared to Rs 12,45,819 crore as on 31.3.2017, recording a growth of 10.24%. Capital Employed in all CPSEs stood at Rs. 23,15,707 crore on 31.3.2018 compared to Rs.21,66,801 crore in the previous year showing a growth of 6.87 %.
Total Gross Revenue from operation of all CPSEs during 2017-18 stood at Rs. 21,55,948 crore compared to Rs. 19,55,675 crore in the last financial year showing a growth of 10.24 %. Total Income of all CPSEs during 2017-18 was at Rs. 20,33,732 crore compared to Rs. 18, 22,184 crore in 2016-17, showing a growth of 11.61%. Profit of profit making CPSEs (184 CPSEs) stood at Rs. 1,59,635 crore during 2017-18 compared to Rs. 1,52,978 crore in 2016-17 showing a growth in profit by 4.35%. Loss of loss incurring CPSEs (71 CPSEs) stood at Rs.31,261 crore in 2017-18 as against Rs.27,480 crore in 2016-17 showing increase in loss by 13.76 %
Overall net profit of all 257 CPSEs stood at Rs.1,28,374 crore compared to Rs. 1,25,498 crore showing a growth in overall profit of 2.29%. Reserves and surplus of all CPSEs stood at Rs. 9,42,295 crore as on 31.3.2018 compared to Rs.9,20,981 as on 31.3.2017, registering an increase by 2.31 %. Net worth of all CPSEs went up from Rs.10,83,942 crore to Rs.11,26,782 crore showing an increase of 3.95%. Contribution of CPSEs to Central Exchequer decreased from Rs. 3,60,815 crore to Rs. 3,50,052 crore showing a decrease of 2.98%. Foreign exchange earnings through exports of goods and services stood at Rs. 86,980 crore in 2017-18 as against Rs. 87,768 crore in 2016-17, showing decrease of 0.90%.
Foreign exchange expenditure on imports and royalty, know-how, consultancy, interest and other expenditure stood at Rs. 4,96,581 crore in 2017-18 as against Rs. 4,38,996 crore in 2016-17, showing an increase of 13.12%. 10.88 lakh persons (excluding casual and contractual workers) were employed in 2017-18 compared to 11.35 lakh in 2016-17, showing a reduction in strength of employees by 4.14%.
Salary and wages in all CPSEs stood at Rs. 1,57,621 crore in 2017-18 against Rs. 1,40,956 crore in 2016-17 showing a growth of 11.82%. Total Market Capitalization (M-Cap) of 52 CPSEs traded on stock exchanges of India is Rs.15,22,041 crore as on 31.03.2018 as compared to Rs. 15,18,920 crore as on 31.03.2017 showing an increase of 0.21%. M-Cap of CPSEs as percent of BSE M-Cap decreased from 12.50% as on 31.3.2017 to 10.70% as on 31.3.2018.
Performance of Central Public Sector Enterprises during the FY 2017-18
2017-18 | 2016-17 |
Overall net profit of 257 Operating CPSEs is Rs. 1,28,374 crore for FY 2017-18 | Overall net profit of 257 operating CPSEs is Rs. 1,25,498 crore for FY 2016-17 |
184 Operating CPSEs posted net profit of Rs.1,59,635 crore for FY 2017-18 | 175 Operating CPSEs posted net profit of Rs.1,52,978 crore for FY 2016-17 |
71 Operating CPSEs posted net loss of Rs. 31,261 crore for FY 2017-18 | 81 Operating CPSEs posted net loss of Rs. 27,480 crore for FY 2016-17 |
Total Investment in all CPSEs (339) stood at Rs.13,73,412 crore as on 31.03.2018 | Total Investment in all CPSEs (331) stood at Rs.12,45,819 crore as on 31.03.2017 |
Dividend declared/paid by CPSEs during the FY 2017-18 is Rs.76,578 crore | Dividend declared/paid by CPSEs during the FY 2016-17 is Rs.78,129 crore |