Onelove India – A Magical Corridor Between India and Uzbekistan

Zarrina Jakhanzeeb

Onelove India – A Magical Corridor Between India and Uzbekistan

Индия – это не гор гималайских величье,
Индия – это живое богатство людей,
Индия – это не полноводие Ганга и Джамны,
А вековые потоки великих идей.
Индия – это не только пещеры и джунгли,
А человеческих душ трудолюбье и мощь.
Индия – не раскалённая высь над пустыней,
А животворное солнце над зеленью рощ.
Индия – это не только алмазы и жемчуг,
Лучших алмазов ценнее её сыновья.
Индия – не благодатная смена сезонов,
А нескончаемый круговорот бытия.
Умашанкар Джоши

In fairy tales, magical lands open their doors to the chosen ones: Alice fell down a rabbit hole into Wonderland, the Pevensie children entered Narnia through a wardrobe, and I, a resident of Uzbekistan, was fortunate to know, see, and feel India in all its diversity.

A country of vibrant colors, a land of mysteries, a flowing silk scarf draped over the Asian continent, a treasure trove of legends, and a vessel of Eastern wisdom—India is all this and more. If other children listened to Kipling’s The Jungle Book and fell asleep dreaming of the jungle, India entered my soul through the colors of the Ramayana and became intertwined with my very being. My father introduced me to the world of classic Indian films and music, and as I grew, my love for India turned from a simple passion into a lifelong devotion. This led me to study Indology at the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies.

My journey has included working on Uzbekistan 24 TV covering India-related stories, accompanying the Uzbek President on his first state visit to India in 2018, and later working at the Indian Cultural Center. My creative venture, Lakshmi Studio, has produced videos with Indian celebrities and promoted Indian arts through dance and yoga classes. But while these experiences were like summer rains, I longed for a monsoon—something that would truly unite India and Uzbekistan.

Thus, Onelove India was born—a project celebrating the deep-rooted connection between our two nations. It comprises:

  • Uzbekistan Under Curry – Stories of Indians living in Uzbekistan.
  • India Teleport – Fascinating facts about India.
  • Onelove India – A firsthand look at India’s people, traditions, and daily life.
  • Business India – Success stories of Indian entrepreneurs.
  • A Culinary Section – Exploring the diverse flavors of India.
  • A Cultural Exchange Show – Showcasing Uzbek-Indian marriages and friendships.

The platform for Onelove India will initially be a YouTube channel, but this is just the beginning. My ultimate goal is to strengthen Indo-Uzbek ties, promote tourism, and preserve the unique cultural identities of both countries. Despite globalization, I believe that national heritage is something to be cherished—not just for ourselves but for the world’s cultural richness.

Uzbekistan and India are like unopened gifts waiting to be discovered by each other. With my dedicated team, I am excited to bridge this gap and bring our nations closer than ever before. There is much to look forward to—captivating stories, stunning landscapes, culinary adventures, and cultural showcases.

I invite you all to embark on this incredible journey. It will be extraordinary!