Habitual offender who was on run and was living with fake identity for over decade arrested by Halasurgate police

Pramesh S Jain

The Halasurgate police on Sunday arrested a 33-year-old habitual offender who was on the run for ten years after changing his identity .

The accused Asif involved in as many as six criminal cases had jumped bail and on the run since 2014 .

Based on a tip off that the accused was living in fake identity and working as autorickshaw driver,a team of police have been assigned to track him down.

Few policemen posing as autorickshaw drivers kept a tab for two months before zeroing in on Asif.

The accused according to senior officer started his crime career as high end bike lifters.

This is according to the police to impress his female friends and take them on joy rides .

He soon started house breaks and robberies to support his vices and committed over a half a dozen cases before he was arrested by the police .