Pramesh S Jain
engaluru:Madras Engineer Group & Centre,Drill Grounds came to life once again on 03 December 2024 when Passing Out Parade was conducted for 765 Agniveers.
The Madras Engineer Group and Centre witnessed a vibrant and proud moment as it hosted the Passing Out Parade,marking the culmination of rigorous training for hundreds of Agniveers who are now ready to move to their units to serve the Nation.
Over the course of three distinguished events,the Centre celebrated the indomitable spirit,discipline and commitment of its Agniveers.
The ceremonial parade,held at the iconic Govindaswamy Drill Square,was an awe-inspiring display of precision and discipline.
Agniveers,clad in ceremonial attire adorned with blue Dooptas (a ceremonial turban),gold and maroon jari bands,and spotless white spats marched impeccably to the tunes of the Military Band.
The Parade was a testimony to the high standards of training and the ethos of the Indian Army,epitomizing the core values of the Madras Sappers.
The Passing Out Parade was graced by a distinguished reviewing officer,Brigadier Ajay Singh Thakur, Commandant,Madras Engineer Group and Centre,who congratulated the passing out Agniveers for their excellent drill and training standards achieved.
To honour the sacrifices of the families who stand behind these soldiers, the “Gaurav Padak”was presented to the proud parents of the passing out Agniveers.
In a poignant moment, parents participated in the ceremony by donning their sons with the rank insignia of “Thambi Sapper”marking their transition from trainees to soldiers of the Indian Army.
The Centre left no stone upturned in welcoming the families of the Agniveers,making comprehensive arrangements for their reception, transportation and accommodation.The events concluded with officers interacting with the parents and sharing in their joy and pride.
The Passing Out Parade was more than a ceremony. It was a celebration of excellence, discipline and the unwavering commitment of the Indian Army to serve the Nation.