Alert Hoysala Patrolling Staff of Parapanna Agrahara on routine rounds found baby girl wandering was reunited with their family safely

Yogesh K Porwar 

A lert hoysala staff found a three-year-old girl strayed away from home for five hours unnoticed was reunited with her family .

It was around 9.30 am when ASI Chandappa and team was on routine rounds,they noticed Baby girl wandered nearly a kilometre away from her home while playing.

The incident occurred in the Parappana Agrahara Police Station limits near Electronic City.The child identified as Subhiksha,lives in Naidu extension.

According to the police,the parents did not know about the child missing as they left her home while her mother, a domestic worker and father a private company security guard,both were at work.

Around 9:45 a.m,the girl strayed away from other children playing in front of the house and walked down the road, eventually being found crying by a passerby named Vignesh.

Concerned,Vignesh called Namma112 to report the incident.A team led by Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI) H. Chinnappa and the Hoysala-198 patrol vehicle staff responded promptly.

Upon reaching the location,the team tried to communicate with the child,who kept pointing in the direction she had come from.

Suspecting she might be from Naidu extension,an area predominantly occupied by Nepali and Bihari residents, the police visited the locality and began to inquiry about the missing girl .

At Naidu Badavane,when asked a security guard,he recognized the child and informed us that she was the daughter of his friend. We contacted the parents and was safely reunited with her family around 2 PM.”, ASI Chinnappa,said.

The hoysala team work was appreciated by the senior officials.