Irrigation Department Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Engineer-in-Chief B. Nagendra Rao told the Justice PC Ghosh Commission that the sand movement under the foundation (raft) of the Medigadda barrage in Kaleswaram uplifts would have caused the damage.

O&M ENC Nagendra Rao
asked more than 130 questions for three hours in the investigation of the damage to ‘Medigadda’ due to movement of sand under the foundation
.O&M ENC Nagendra Rao attended the hearing
Today, Hyderabad: Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Engineer-in-Chief of the Irrigation Department B. Nagendra Rao told the Justice PC Ghosh Commission that the movement of sand under the foundation (raft) of the Medigadda barrage in Kaleswaram uplifts will cause damage. In 2022, when the commission asked if the construction company had detected leakages under the 17th channel (vent) of water going in the seventh block, the ENC stated that the correspondence between Guttedaru and Ramagundam ENC continued, but the information was not communicated to the O&M. The commission questioned why the officials of the barrages were not told that the maintenance work can be done only if the water inside the barrages is removed. While the ENC replied that it was said verbally in the video conference, the commission said that it should be said in writing. The Justice PC Ghosh Commission interrogated Nagendra Rao, a key official overseeing the management of all irrigation projects, for three hours on Wednesday. When more than 130 questions were asked, he answered many of the questions by saying, “I don’t know, I can’t say, I don’t remember.”
Water storage at the behest of the upper classes
When the commission asked Nagendra Rao if he thinks Medigadda, Annaram and Sundilla barrages have been completed. But, the certificate was given before the completion of Medigadda barrage,’ he said. When asked if the movement of sand in the upper and lower areas and under the raft could be the reason for the damage of this barrage, he replied yes. When asked whether the barrages are not for water storage, they are constructed to release the water downstream and use it a little, he replied that it is true. In that case, Nagendra Rao said that it was done according to the orders of the higher-ups. Justice Ghosh asked who ordered not to open the gates during floods. When asked whether he knows about the faults in the three barrages, Ramagundam ENC has never given a report. In response to the question whether the inspection was done at the field level, he said that although the project was inspected twice in 2021 and a report was given to the project officials on the measures to be taken before and after the monsoons, it was not implemented. He said that the maintenance schedule of the gates was also not followed as per TGERL guidelines. He said that due to high storage in barrages and low level of gates, shooting velocity problems arose and because of this CC blocks, apron etc. structures were washed away. He said yes to the question whether there were problems in the barrages due to floods in 2019 and 2020. He stated that the three barrages were under Ramagundam ENC and he never reported to the O&M department. When the commission commented that it looks like you are trying to save someone, Nagendra Rao replied that there is no such thing.
How to give an affidavit without evidence..
Justice PC Ghosh expressed anger at retired CE Quality Control Ajay Kumar for mentioning several points without minimum evidence in the affidavit. When asked how many times he had visited the barrages, he said that he had visited Medigadda and Annaram barrages before the accident, but had not inspected Sundilla barrage. The commission asked why it was not examined. When asked whether he inspected the barrages after the first floods, he said he did not go as there were no reports on the construction works. The commission questioned whether signatures were made in the register at the barrages. It also questioned Sardar Omkar Singh, who retired as EE in Medigadda and Sundilla barrages. When asked what action was taken against the construction company’s non-repair of the damage caused at Sundilla barrage due to floods, he said that they have given a notice to the construction company and they have accepted the fact that there is a defect liability period. When asked who was the higher authority who gave instructions to you during the construction, Singh stated that there was SE and Nalla Venkateswarlu used to issue orders as CE.