National Media Council On The Cards

Pramesh S Jain 

A big victory to senior journalists and media houses across the country as the centre has finally accepted the proposal to set up national media council to monitor and guide the journalists across the country.

The proposal was taken over by ICJ Director Dr. Thomas with a sole intent to provide necessary protection to journalsts and safe guard their interest.

After many years of struggle and bringing pressure from across the corner the centre finally agreed to draft the proposal for its implementation.

As per the proposal the council comprising of retired judges from supreme court and chief justice of high court to oversee unfair practice of government control over the media.

The council is also responsible for creating a national fund to provide financial assistance to start up media houses and journalists.

A journalist having 25 years of experience can be the member of council and each member should represent mega cities like Delhi,Mumbai,Chandigarh and Bengaluru and Kolkata press club .

This apart one representation from newspaper society and MP from national parties at state level can be the member of the council to pool their ideas for the betterment of journalists fretrnity overall.

The council can add values to the work of journalists and also ensure overall protection from any form of eventualities besides proving umbrella of over all assistance.