PSI Jagadish murder case accused father and son convicted by Bengaluru District Court,While father sentenced life time Imprisonment with fine of Rs.3 Lakhs and son sentenced 7 years impriosnment with fine of Rs.1 lakh

Pramesh S Jain & Dr.Thomas (Special Correspondent)

The Bengaluru district court on Monday convicted father and son duo who were habitual robbers and stabbed a 34-year-old police sub inspector to death while he was chasing them in October 2015.

While the court sentenced seven years imprisonment and a fine of one lakh fine and his father Harish Babu was sentenced life term imprisonment and a fine of Rs.3 lakh.

Jagdish along with two other constables based on a tip off was on the hot pursuit of the duo when the accused attacked him .

Before Jagadish could react the duo pushed him in a drain during a scuffle and stabbed him repeatedly before fleeing the spot after snatching his service pistol .

By the time the back up team came to his rescue and rushed to the hospital Jagadish succumbed to his injuries.

The police later track down the father and son duo along with their associates Raghu, thimmakka,Hanumantha Rao charging them with murder ,causing grevious hurt,robbery,harbouring offender .

The police filed charge sheet following which the court convicted the accused and sentenced them.