DGP CH Pratap Reddy opted for Voluntary retirement from service who is due to retire in may

Pramesh S Jain & Yogesh K Porwar

Director General of Police,CH Pratap Reddy,presently heading Internal Security Division,applied for Voluntary Retirement Service.He was due to retire in retire in end of May this year .

Though Mr.Reddy cited personal reason with a request to relieve him by April,there were talks with the department that he was having difference with a senior officer,which could be one of the reason behind his move.

A B-Tech graduate and 1991 batch officer,Mr.Reddy was known for his technical skills and cyber security,he served in many important positions including as Director and advisor of Cyber Security of the National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM- Cyber Security Wing),Additional Director General of Police ( law and order )and Bengalore city police commissioner .

He was also served in Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and awarded with Chief Minister’s Medal for Meritorious Service in 1994 and President’s Medal for distinguished service.