Tumakuru gubbi police sub inspector among five policemen suspended after thief escaped from police custody

Pramesh S Jain & Yogesh K Porwar

A police Sub Inspector among five police personnel suspended on the charges of dereliction of duty after a 35-year-old old choreographer turned chain snatcher escaped from the Gubbi police station leaving behind the handcuff in the wee hours of Thursday.

The incident occurred at the Home Minister constituency brought much embarrassment to the department following which senior police officials cracked a whip seeking disciplinary action.

The accused Syed Ali Balasab Nadaf,was arrested by Gubbi police for robbing a 35 grams of gold chain from a shop keeper on January 11.

Nadaf hailed from Gadag and working as choreographer in Bengaluru and suffered financial loss .

In order to overcome he took to crime and move around his bike along with his associate to rob gold chains from women moving alone.

However Based on a complaint,the Gubbi police track down Nadaf and arrested him and taken him into custody for further investigations.

While in the custody Nadaf slide down the hands through the handcuff and escaped while the police constable guarding him dozing off .

The other staff including the Station house in charge were busy in the record room at around 4. 30 am.

The incident came to light when the guard woke up and found the handcuff lying on the floor and nadaf was missing.

He informed the SHO before alerting the control room. Soon the police swung into action and arrested Nadaf at Tumakuru Railway station.