The toothless BJP leaders of the state,who cannot question Prime Minister Narendra Modi, are planning a protest against the State Government says CM Siddarammaiah

Dr.Thomas (Special Correspondent)

The farmers in the drought-affected areas of the state, who are entitled to compensation,have been suffering for the past five months without receiving any relief funds from the Union Government.

The toothless BJP leaders of the state, who cannot question Prime Minister Narendra Modi,are planning a protest against the State Government.This is not only ridiculous but also a betrayal to the farmers of the state.

When the BJP came to power for the first time in the state, it shot and killed farmers who were merely asking for seeds and fertilizers.

Whenever asked for compensation, the same BJP Chief Ministers arrogantly retorted,”Do we have a note printing machine?”

This is the same BJP that has been violent towards the farmers protesting in Delhi.Such inherently anti-farmer BJP leaders are now shedding crocodile tears, but the farmers are not foolish enough to be deceived by this change of facade.

As soon as signs of drought were observed, our government was actively engaged in assessment and relief efforts on a war footing.

Following the assessment, 223 taluks in the state were declared drought-affected on September 13 last year. According to our studies, the drought has caused a loss of about 37,000 crores.

On September 23,we had petitioned the central government to provide compensation of 18,177 crores. In October,a team of experts from the center arrived for a drought study.The status of their report is unknown.

I met Prime Minister Narendra Modi along with Revenue Minister Krishna Byre Gowda to appeal for assistance.

The Agriculture Minister had also met the Union Agriculture Minister to make an appeal.So far,we have written 17 letters requesting drought relief,but we have received neither a response nor any financial assistance.

In such circumstances,with what face do the BJP leaders go to the drought-affected farmers to protest against us?.

The state’s farmers are already enraged by the injustice being done by the union government.

Even though the union government has not provided relief, the state government has not been sitting idle. There are Rs 870 crore in the accounts of district commissioners for drought relief.

We are supplying drinking water to 36 drought-affected villages through tankers.Tenders have been called to supply water by tankers in 21 districts.

New borewells have been drilled in 158 locations. Sites have been identified for drilling borewells in 3000 locations on private lands.Currently, there is no shortage of drinking water anywhere.

We have distributed 6.5 lakh seed kits. Tenders have been called for fodder purchase in 16 districts.Task forces have been formed at the taluk level under the leadership of local legislators.

These forces have conducted more than 350 meetings so far.The District Disaster Management Authority,led by district officers, has conducted 210 meetings.

Until January 25,relief of 545 crore rupees has been provided to 29 lakh farmers in the drought-affected areas. After the crop loss survey,relief has been extended to another 8-9 lakh farmers.

The crop loss survey has been recorded in the FRUITS software, and the issues encountered in this documentation have been resolved.

The state government is making extensive efforts to assist our farmers in the drought-affected areas. However, the union government, stubbornly, is not providing the financial relief, causing injustice.

To cover up this failure, the state’s BJP leaders are staging a protest against our government.

If the BJP leaders of the state owe anything to our land and soil, they should go to Delhi and ask Prime Minister Narendra Modi for justice.

They should protest in front of the Prime Minister’s office demanding relief. BJP leaders bark here in Karnataka, but they turn into tailless mice in front of Home Minister and Prime Minister.

Union BJP Government has been doing injustice towards Kannadigas.It is not just with respect to the flood relief, they have done injustice even with respect to devolution of funds, funds for infrastructure and more. Despite this, the 25 BJP Lok Sabha members from the state have remained silent.

With what face will these BJP leaders go to the public to ask for votes in the next Lok Sabha elections? The people of the state will teach these individuals a fitting lesson in the next Lok Sabha elections. Let it be known that if they betray the farmers, not even Lord Rama can save them.