17 More New Fire Stations across state while the existing stations will be upgraded at cost of Rs.329 crore to meet the challenges – Kamal Pant

Pramesh S Jain & Yogesh K Porwar

The State will have 17 more new fire stations across the state while the existing stations will be upgraded at the cost of Rs.329 crore to meet the challenges .

Director General of police,fire and emergency services, Kamal Pant,on Monday submitted action plan to Revenue minister Krishna Byre Gowda,which contains details of the plan to renovate and upgrade the fire department.

As per the plan new fire stations will be build on the towns identified by the department while the existing stations will be renovated and upgraded based on the requirements to prevent any eventualities which is caused especially during summer.

The upgradation plan will come in handy to tackle issues related to natural calamities.Speaking on the occasion Mr.Krishna Byre Gowda said that fire department should utilize all the resources to tackle the challenges effectively. this includes training volunteers at the district level and use their services in case of any eventualities,he said.