CCB police arrested a scammer who targeted over 18 NGOs and the general public promising over financial aid from CSR funds

Pramesh S Jain & Yogesh K Porwar

The Central Crime Branch Police have arrested a 38-year-old man who cheated over 18 NGOs in and around Bengaluru by promising to get them CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) funds .

The accused has also cheated many people in Bengaluru and even in Delhi promising them to get business contacts and electronic items directly from company for throwaway prices .

Senior officer told reporters the accused Prathap Simha used to target NGOs that are engaged in welfare activities for orphan children and senior citizens.

Bengaluru Police Commissioner B Dayananda said that there were multiple check-bounce cases against Simha. A high school drop out from Girinagar,Pratap Simha mastered the art of sweet talks to lure people with his high level contacts.

He had even lured a Beautician in Delhi claiming that he has high level contacts with the senior politicians of Karnataka and promised to get her financial help to improve her business,a senior officer, said.

The accused had not only taken Rs.6 lakh from her but also got contacts of her friends and friends and cheated them too.

Using this Modus operandi the accused had in a span of three years made Rs.50 lakh and escaped .

The accused had even issued cheques to the victims when ever they confronted him to get back their money.

There were many cheque bounce cases and cheating cases pending against him .

Considering the magnitude of the case,City police commissioner,B.Dayananda referred the case to CCB who swung into action and track down the accused within a day .

The police have taken the accused into custody and investigating further .